
Broomfield SILC

Annual Reviews

All students on roll at Broomfield South SILC have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which is reviewed annually.

A Person Centred Planning approach is taken throughout the Annual Review process. This ensures that our students are at the forefront of what we do. Their views are sought before and during the review meetings in order to help them to recognise and strive towards the knowledge, skills and experiences that they will need in order to develop and fulfil their academic, personal and social aspirations. Students’ views are gained in a variety of ways dependent on their strengths and needs.

Students views can be recorded through a variety of ways such as:

                          Liv's mat

photos and symbols                      powerpoints                       talking mats


Some students like to record their views themselves whereas others might need to have an adult who knows them well scribe their words or even contribute on their behalf based on what they have observed at school and at home.

Before the meeting parents are professionals are also asked to provide their views. These will be discussed at the review meeting and reflected in the EHCP. Parents are also asked who they would like invited to the meeting such as any professionals working with their child.

EHCP review meetings are usually chaired by the class teacher, or occasionally the SEN Coordinator or another member of the SEND Team. A member of the SEND Team will amend the EHCP during the meeting.

Students are encouraged to contribute to their review meetings in person and may choose to attend for part or all of the meeting. The SEND Team and class teacher will work together to accommodate our student and their parents’ needs and to make the meeting as welcoming and positive as possible.


Ultimately, these meetings are a celebration of our students and all that they contribute to the school. They are a forum to praise them for achievements and work with them and those who know them best to identify appropriate and meaningful next steps.

For enquires about review meetings please email the SEND team at   or call the school directly.

Further information and advice from the Local Authority is available at

For further information about your child’s EHCP contact


 Parent Carer Contribution form

Pupil Contribution Form Y9 2021

Pupil Contribution Form N - Y8 2021