
Broomfield SILC

British Values


Promoting British Values Statement

This statement should be read in conjunction with the PSHE and Citizenship Policy, the Single Equality Policy, Behaviour and RE policies (Click on each policy to be taken to it).


School Mission Statement

'Investing in Individuals – Transforming lives'

We believe that investing in individuals will help us transform lives and therefore we strive for excellence in all aspects of the life of the school.

Excellence in:

  • The quality of learning which pupil's experience.
  • The quality of teaching that we provide.
  • The richness of the environment in which they learn.
  • The quality of opportunity we provide, regardless of ethnicity, gender or disability.

At Broomfield South SILC, we firmly believe and are committed to teaching of values which promote cohesiveness within our school and community. We believe that these values which traditionally underpin British Society should permeate all aspects of school life and be upheld by every member of the school and wider community. Every member of the school community should feel confident and secure in their responsibility to promote British Values.


Definition of British Values

In 2011, the government defined British Values as:

  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

This guidance was initially published to further strengthen the previous guidance published in improving the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils to ensure young people leave school prepared for modern life in Britain. In November 2014, the government outlined that all schools must now have a clear strategy for embedding these values and show how their work has been effective in doing so.

We at Broomfield promote these values through our own school values, curriculum delivery, and the school offer and enrichment activities. The purpose of our actions will ensure all pupils at Broomfield have a voice that is listened to and through the school based activities outlined in Appendix 1 we have identified how we embed these values. Measures are in place to allow us to judge the impact of our work through our assessment procedures and processes.



Broomfield will prepare pupils for life in modern day Britain where the population has an increasingly rich diversity of backgrounds, origins, beliefs and cultures by promoting the values on which our society has been built. By teaching pupils these values we will help all to become good citizens of the United Kingdom.


Broomfield South SILC strives to promote British Values by providing opportunities which will enable our pupils to:

  • Develop and demonstrate an understanding of the values which underpin life in modern day Britain.
  • Value democracy, respect the viewpoints of others, having a voice, and to stand up for right against wrong.
  • Learn to uphold the rule of law and support freedom, justice and equality.
  • Value and respects peoples’ differences.
  • Have a mutual respect, tolerance for and an understanding of the various faiths and beliefs represented in Britain today.
  • Understand and value the rich diversity that other citizens from different cultures, religions and backgrounds bring and contribute to our society.
  • Develop an awareness and tolerance of communities different to their own.
  • Show empathy and cares for the poor, the sick, the old, the weak and vulnerable as valued members of our society
  • Become loyal and patriotic citizens of the United Kingdom

 Roles and Responsibilities

The Governing Body

It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to ensure that strategies for promoting British Values are in place and reviewed annually as appropriate. Governors are also responsible for ensuring systems are in place to monitor the effectiveness and impact of the strategies.


The role of the Principal and Leadership Team (SLT & MLT)

It is the responsibility of the Principal and SLT to provide leadership and vision in promoting British Values and monitor, review and evaluate its impact to ensure our pupils develop into responsible citizens who are able to make a positive contribution to society.

All staff are responsible for taking every opportunity to promote British Values through the curriculum, planning, enrichment activities, resources and school displays. Staff will assess and monitor progress through the schools Assessment, Recording and Reporting procedures.

All adults will act as role models for our pupils.


APPENDIX 1 – How Broomfield South SILC promotes British Values. 

The appendix contains all the above information, together with further information about how Broomfield South SILC promotes each individual value, and the impact of that promotion. The Appendix can be downloaded by clicking HERE.