
Broomfield SILC

Governing Board


What do school governors do?

Governors link the school with the community, and play a key role in the effectiveness of the school.  The governing board’s job is to look at all aspects of the school’s performance and ensure it is achieving its full potential as well as working with the Head Teacher and Senior Team to provide strategic leadership and accountability.

The governing body comprises of volunteers who are committed to doing their very best to support the school, its pupils and staff. Governors are part of the school team, and come from all walks of life, with a wide range of different skills and talents. Some governors have had a long association with the school, whilst others are more recent appointments. All governors share a vision for the school to continue to improve, offering the best education and experience for all of its children and young people.

Governors are appointed by the governing board (co-opted) or nominated by the Local Authority (local authority governor.

Governors core strategic functions are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; 
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

 The school motto ‘Investing in Individuals, Transforming Lives’ reflects the ethos of our school as a community where we value the contributions of all pupils and staff.

The governing body supports this motto by observing, listening and challenging all aspects of school life. It does this so that the decisions that it makes are well informed and contribute towards the continuing success of the school. The governing body also plays an important part in the Ofsted inspection process by demonstrating their knowledge of the effectiveness of the school.

The governing body ensures that resources are well used, so that every child and young person has the best possible experience. Performance data is checked to ensure that the quality of teaching and learning is excellent. Policies and procedures are reviewed to ensure the wellbeing of everybody in school – both pupils and staff.

 One governor explains why they got involved. Her thoughts are shared by the other governors:

'We ... know how challenging the behaviour of our young people can be, but with it comes the great rewards of each and every small progression they make and the knowledge that we have helped them on their journey to reach their full potential. To be able to send a child to school knowing they are happy to be there; in a safe environment that is able to meet the child's needs. Providing them with the appropriate methods of teaching to enable them to reach their true potential.'

The National Governance Association (NGA) is an independent charity representing and supporting governors, trustees and clerks in maintained schools and academies in England. For more information on how school governors work, please visit- 


Code of conduct

All governors sign up to a code of conduct which sets out a number of principles which guide how the governing body operates, ensuring that it is consistent and fair.

The governors work as a team. Individual governors have no power or responsibility and it is only the full governing body which has corporate legal powers and duties. 

Click to view a copy of the governing body Code of Conduct.

All governors have read the statutory guidance for schools about Keeping children safe in education, which is published by the Department for Education.

The Governing Board structure and responsibilities

The governing body comprises community, local authority, parent/carers and staff governors. Please see attached information on terms of office:

2024-2025 Governance plan


Meet our Governors


Alex Wriglesworth- Chair of Governors


I’m Alex and I joined Broomfield’s Governing Body in September 2022. In my day-to-day life I am a Senior Marketing Manager specialising in strategic planning, communication & engagement. I am passionate about inclusivity and diversity and I strongly believe that all children should have access to quality education that supports them in achieving their goals.
Prior to joining Broomfield, I was a Parent Governor at a Primary School in Wakefield. There my focus was on special educational needs (SEN) and pupil premium, and I played an active role in their RHSE committee too.

For me being a Governor is a unique opportunity and challenge. I feel incredibly lucky to be part of the Broomfield Governing Body and able to support the school in ensuring that every pupil fulfils their potential.

Term of Office- 29.6.22- 28.6.26

Register of Interests: None Declared


Tracy Toon- Vice Chair


I have been in financial services for the majority of my career and have been lucky enough to hold a variety of different roles including training and management development and more recently a number of senior operational and HR positions. I joined the governing board of Broomfield in July 2022 and hope my people and HR expertise will add value. I have identical twin daughters who have recently finished university - Rebecca is a children's nurse and Katie is a photographer and filmmaker.

Term of office-  29/06/2022- 28/06/2026

Register of Interests: None Declared




 Angie Simmons:  Associate Member



I have been a governor at Broomfield School since the autumn term in 2020. Prior to that I worked as an early years advisory teacher working with children from 0 to 5 years with identified special educational needs (SEN) in homes, nurseries and schools. My previous jobs include being a class teacher, SEN coordinator in a school, working as part of the SEN and inclusion team in Leeds as an early years coordinator and working as a speech and language therapist for the NHS. I worked with children in education for over 30 years and retired in April 2020.

In addition to acting as a governor I have undertaken other volunteering roles such as mentoring pupils and making face visors for the NHS. In the rest of my spare time I try and keep fit and healthy by attending a gym and walking. I also pursue various leisure activities usually involving holidays, reading, and visits to the theatre and cinema.

Term of Office- 14/10/2020 - 13/10/2024. Associate member from 14./10/2024

Register of Interests: None Declared


Rebekah Hadley- Co-Opted Representative

I work locally as a dentist in general practice but have previous experience of working in head and neck surgery and in the community dental services. I am a mum to two young girls and enjoy pilates and attending a monthly book club. For me, being a governor gives me an opportunity to use skills I don't get to use at work and to learn a lot! I believe every child has the right to a quality education - whatever that looks like for the individual child.

Term of Office- 26.4.23- 25.4.27
Register of Interest: None Declared


Madaleine Spendalow- Co-Opted Representative

Hi my name is Madaleine, I'm from Leeds and currently work for the NHS in Bradford providing business, analytical and quality improvement support in the mental health services. I studied Biomedical Science at university in North Wales and have recently completed a Master's degree in Law. I am passionate about science and healthcare and our services being the best they can be with the resources we have, achieving and sustaining high standards and serving the community well.

I have a retired greyhound who spends more time on my sofa than I do. In my free time I enjoy cooking and baking, and am partial to going out with friends

Term of office- 24.1.23- 23.1.27

Register of Interests: None Declared


Phil Brayshaw- Co-Opted Representative

Hello, my name is Phil and I am a nurse for people with learning disabilities.

I work for NHS England where I am Head of Children and Young People in the National Learning Disability and Autism Programme. I write national policy and work with local areas to commission and provide better health services for autistic children and young people, and children and young people with learning disabilities. Before this, I worked as a children’s community learning disability nurse and as a local children’s commissioner. I have two grown up children and have recently become a grandad.


My ambition is to help Broomfield School be a place where parents know their children will be safe and looked after, and where staff and students feel valued, are encouraged to do their best, and achieve their potential. 

Term of office- 11.10.23- 10.10.26

Register of Interest: None Declared


Jeff Todd- Co-Opted representative

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant with 40 years experience in large accountancy firms including over 20 years a partner. My work included business valuations, reviews of financial models and IPOs as well as auditing in England, Zambia, Oman and Jordan. Since returning to the UK, I have worked in the charity sector for ten years and been a trustee of a small charity.

Being a Governor provides me with an opportunity to further extend my contribution to the community and, having raised three children, I am fully aware of the importance of education to the lives of all people.

Term of office- 15/05/2024- 14/05/2028

Register of Interest: None Declared

David Robson- Co-Opted representative

 I worked in Financial Services from 1986 until 2023 and have more recently been taking a career break while building a new home in Lofthouse. I have two children in their thirties living in the Midlands and they are working in pensions and insurance respectively, so the apples have not fallen very far from the tree! I have a keen interest in vintage Campervans, up-cycling and DIY as well as watching a lot of live music and following a variety of sports

Term of office- 15/05/2024- 14/05/2028

Register of Interest: None Declared

Catherine Campbell- Staff Governor

My name is Catherine Campbell. I am currently the Employment teacher in Post 16 but have worked on all the sites at Broomfield throughout my 10-year career at school. As well as a class teacher, I am the Careers Leader where I oversee the Future Steps curriculum, plan, implement and evaluate Future Steps activities and events and work with local businesses to plan work placements our students in preparation for adulthood.


Term of Office- 14.10.24- 13.10.28


Register of Interests: None Declared




Meetings & Attendance Record

The governing body normally has seven full meetings a year. All meetings are clerked by a trained professional clerk who provides guidance and support to the governing body.


Meeting & Attendance Record 23-24

last updated October 2024



The governing body welcomes compliments, comments and complaints about all aspects of the school.

  • Compliments and comments

Please contact the chair of governors, Alex Wriglesworth c/o Broomfield South SILC

  • Complaints

If you have a complaint about an aspect of school life, in the first instance please try to resolve the matter with a teacher or the school Head Teacher. The governing body only becomes involved in a complaint once these channels have been used. A copy of the school's complaints procedure is available under ‘Policies’ on the school web-site.

At Broomfield South SILC we are constantly striving to improve and develop the provision for our pupils and staff. The governing body will continue to work hard to support and challenge the school in achieving this goal.