Technology is part of every day life for children and young people in modern britain, and it is our duty to remove barriers and increase safety around accessing technology for our young people with SEN. Students in our formal pathways will complete an Essential Digital Skills Qualification (EDSQs), which will equip them with the skills they need to make the most of their mobile phone, apps and other digital services, whilst also learning about safety of using technology. EDSQs are ideal for those seeking to develop digital skills to function more effectively in everyday life which is why we have chosen this qualification for our Post 16 learners.
The qualifications cover 5 key areas
- Using devices and handling information - using hardware and software, searching and navigating.
- Creating and editing - using apps to enter and edit information, capturing/saving multimedia.
- Communicating - sending and receiving communications.
- Transactions - e-commerce and buying online
- Being safe and responsible online - being safe online, protecting your data, etc.
Our Semi-Formal and Informal learners use ICT and technology in a functional capacity where appropriate.