
Broomfield SILC

LA Expansion Consultation & Information 2024

30th July 2024- Consultation Closed

1st July 2024- Consultation Open

14th August 2024- 

👀 Check out this update from our visit to see the work nearing completion at the Future Steps Hub.

🛠The contractors are working 24 hours a day to complete the project on time and to make it the best possible learning environment for Broomfield students. 

 Hope you are all excited to see the finished build, ready to open on the 9th September 2024.

 Future Steps Hub Update

2nd October 2024- Statutory Notice- LA

13th December 2024-

Consultation on proposals to expand Broomfield South SILC by 100 places, as part of a school rebuild and the establishment of a permanent satellite site for post-16 provision.

Leeds City Council’s Executive Board has approved proposals to permanently expand Broomfield South SILC, as part of a school rebuild and establish a permanent satellite site for post-16 learners at White Rose Park at its meeting on the 11th December 2024.

The proposed opening date for the rebuild of the main Broomfield site and the additional places is September 2027. The permanent satellite site at the White Rose Park would be from September 2025.

The proposal to rebuild the school would need to follow relevant planning processes.