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Leeds has a legal obligation to publish our SEND Local Offer; setting out the support available for local children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


Local authorities must publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area with special educational needs and disabilities, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. In setting out what they ‘expect to be available’.


The purpose of the Local Offer is

·         to provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it, and  

·         to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEND and their parents, and service providers in its development and review


Full details of our legal obligations can be found in the SEND Code of Practice.


The Leeds Local Offer website was developed in 2014, however the website is not widely known or used. We are now looking to redesign the website so that more families and professionals use it to find out the information they need to know.


The new website will have three sections

·         I am a child / young person

·         I am a parent / carer

·         I am a professional


We are consulting with children and young people with SEND as well as their parents / carers and the professionals working with them. The consultation period will end on the 31st October 2020.


Children and Young People

·         The online survey can be found here

·         Or a word document of the survey can be completed and returned to

·         Or a consultation activity that be completed with groups of young people or individuals, responses to be returned to


Parents and Carers

·         The online survey can be found here

·         Or a word document of the survey that can be completed and returned to



·         The online survey can be found here

·         Or a word document of the survey that can be completed and returned to


All documents relating to the consultations can be downloaded here


Please do share the consultation with the children and young people with SEND that you work with, their parents / carers and other professionals.


Thanks for your support,



Kayleigh Thurlow

Local Offer & SEND Voice and Influence Coordinator

Voice, Influence and Change Team

Children and Families Directorate

Leeds City Council

Mob: 07712 214392

Land: 0113 37 84536!/directory

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