Secondary Partnership at the Rodillian Academy
Welcome to Broomfield Secondary Partnership at Rodillian Academy.
The Rodillian Academy partnership is for secondary aged students in years 7 to 11who have a range of additional needs. There are currently two classes with up to 16 students in each class. Classes are organised into KS3 and KS4 however, in Maths and English, classes are organised according to ability. We have one teacher and 3 LSA’s in each class and staff are specially trained to meet the needs of all our learners. There is a high ratio of adults to pupils so that our students have the support they require to access inclusion, where appropriate.
Students have personalised learning pathways which includes: accessing lessons in the partnership provision; a differentiated curriculum which meets their individual needs; small group working; high levels of adult support; and opportunities to develop independence and increase access to community facilities.
Personalised educational programmes are designed for each student taking into account their wide diversity of ability and needs. All teaching is differentiated: based on an assessment of what the child already knows, understands and can do; by using a range of teaching styles that match the needs of individuals or groups so that all children are engaged in learning; by ensuring access to resources including extra adult support, grouping for ability, age and personal need (including behaviour), in order to overcome the potential barriers to learning and access their full curricular entitlement.
Access to a full range of support specialist services are available to all children to ensure they receive their full entitlement to a broad and balanced education. This includes speech and language; physiotherapy; occupational therapy; medical support; sensory impairment teams: and careers. There is also an emphasis on developing social skills and independence and students are encouraged to access all the amenities and opportunities the Academy has to offer.
Students may access a range of nationally recognised accreditation including: Entry level awards, ASDAN short courses and GCSEs, where appropriate. Accreditation reflects each student’s abilities, interests and the skills they are developing in preparation for their life after school. All students across Key Stages 3 and 4 are also offered enrichment opportunities including: Horticulture; Art and Crafts; Music and Movement.
Secondary partnership KS3 and KS4 long term plans
In mainstream lessons students follow Rodillian Academy long term plans