Religious Education & Equality
The caring and loving principles of different faiths are followed in all our interactions with pupils and they, in turn, are encouraged to demonstrate an awareness of right and wrong, respect for others, and tolerance of different creeds and cultural codes.
In accordance with statutory guidance, Religious Education forms part of the curriculum for all our pupils. We follow the locally agreed syllabus, "Believing and Belonging.
Religious and cultural festivals are celebrated across the SILC. Students also participate in weekly assemblies, when a wide range of religious, cultural and social issues are addressed.
The SILC is committed to striving for equality of opportunity for all and emphasises the common values and elements of our multi-cultural environment. Discrimination of any nature will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with according to our Single Equality policy.
Parents may withdraw their child from any part or all of R.E. and/or collective worship. If you have any questions or concerns about RE, please speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance.