
Broomfield SILC

Extracurricular Activities



Maths Club

Some students choose to join the maths club during lunchtimes. They enjoy playing maths based games such as Monopoly, Uno, cards or just working on their times tables. This not only helps them with their maths skills but also encourages turn taking and group interaction with their peers. Students are applying their maths skills to real life situations and also learn that's maths can be fun.

Gym Club

Some students join staff for after school fitness club where they learn the basic skills of health and fitness. Students use a top of the range fitness suite accessing treadmills, cross trainers, rowing machines, free weights and much more. The club gives students an opportunity to socialise with friends and improve their personal fitness.


Performing Arts Club

Some students at lunchtimes like to take part in our performing arts club. During this time the group act out and re-create scenes from their favourite films and musicals. They use drama to help them with their social skills and normally end the session with a song and sometimes a dance.

Horticulture Club

 The Horticulture club takes place at lunchtimes and is an extension of the Horticulture lessons. The club provides opportunities for students to learn basic ecological principles first hand.
Working in the school gardens enable students to:
  • Care for other living things.
  • Experience the joy of nature.
  • Practice leadership and team working skills.
  • Make connections between science, social studies, math, language arts and other subjects.
  • Be physically active.
  • Use all their senses.