School Uniform
Broomfield main site consists of:
White polo shirt
Black/grey school trousers or skirt/pinafore
Navy blue sweatshirt/ cardigan with the school logo.
In the summer months if you prefer:
Blue and white checked summer dresses
Black/grey tailored school shorts
At main site, although we would like all of our pupils to adhere to the uniform policy we know that this is not always a reasonable request for some of our young people. We are happy to discuss/ agree reasonable adjustments dependant on your child’s needs.
If your child is in our Rodillian partnership, info can be found at https://www.rodillianacademy.co.uk/page/?title=Our+Uniform&pid=32
If your child is in our Windmill partnership, info can be found at
Please refer to our uniform policy that includes details of each site requirements and where to purchase https://www.broomfieldschool.org.uk/School-Policies-1/
