Semi Formal Teaching and Learning Group
The Semi Formal Pathway provides holistic, integrated learning opportunities through immersive thematic topics. The curriculum promotes the development of thinking skills, creative & expressive learning and is designed to be developmentally appropriate to meet the needs of our diverse learners whilst celebrating their individuality.
Within the Semi-Formal Curriculum teaching and learning group, we focus on each individual’s EHCP targets and develop key skills of effective communication, confidence, resilience and independence. Our personalised approach ensures all pupils are given the opportunity to reach their full potential. Learning is organised into the main areas of; Communication and Literacy, Problem Solving, Maths and Technology, My World, Creative and Sensory and Movement. Delivery of areas of learning such as mathematical concepts and literacy skills may be delivered as discrete subjects dependent on the needs of the individual learner.
Skills are taught through a creative, stimulating, explorative cross curricular curriculum, catering for our students who have complex learning difficulties and disabilities. Themes are reviewed regularly with the interest of the learners at the heart. The varied and irresistible learning opportunities on offer provide an environment where transferable skills can be learnt and embedded, preparing all learners for the future.
Theme Cycle
The Semi-Formal Teaching and learning group follow a 3 year theme cycle where the theme is looked at from an different angle each time it is revisited enabling progress over time and repetitive learning opportunities:
Half Termly Overviews
Themes are broken down into the different areas of learning.
Topic Planning
Planning documents reflect the different steps pupils in each TLG are working at. Teachers then take the medium-term plans and adapt them to suit their learners needs and run alongside the small steps towards EHCP outcomes.