
Broomfield SILC


Travel skills are vital for learners wanting to live an independent adult life, and although some of our learners will be supported on travel even into adulthood the awareness of danger on the roads, and being exposed to hazardous situations is essential to keeping learners safe in the community. Informal and semiformal learners will be exposed to setup/simulated dangers in school, so they can learn how to manage and deal with dangers in a controlled environment. When they are ready, the learners are highly supervised to practice these skills in the community.

Formal pathway learners have a more varied exposure to travel on foot, on public transport; buses and trains, and on the mini bus. They will visit different places each week and become more independent in their ability to safely get from A to B in preparation for their next steps in life. Through their time in Post 16, learners will be assessed on their ability to travel safely and independently in the community, and their levels of independence whilst on travel will be increased, when it is safe to do so.